Feedback and Complaints

Feedback and Complaints What to do if you have a dispute or complaint? We hope you are delighted with our services, but if you have a complaint please let us know so we can work towards resolving it promptly and fairly. You can make a complaint verbally or in writing...

Disclaimer Statement

Fennell West Finance Pty Ltd Disclaimer Statement The information provided on this site is on the understanding that it is for illustrative and discussion purposes only.  Whilst all care and attention is taken in its preparation any party seeking to reply on its...

Consumer Privacy Policy

Consumer Privacy Policy Who are we? ‘We’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers to the Broker, Aggregator, Australian Credit Licensee and our related businesses outlined in the Credit Guide provided to you. Our commitment to protect your privacy We understand how important it is to...

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions This website is operated by Fennell West Pty Ltd ABN 54 363 849 114. We are an authorised representative of Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd an Australian Financial Services Licensee. These are the terms and conditions for use of this site and...

Fennell West Pty Ltd Privacy Policy

Fennell West Pty Ltd Privacy Policy This privacy policy outlines how Fennell West Unit Trust trading as Fennell West Pty (‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’) manage your personal information. It also sets out generally what sort of personal information we hold, for what purposes and...
Fennell West