Jun, 2019Financial Freedom, Planning

Dreaming of a budget-friendly family holiday but not sure how you will ever save enough money to get there? Fennell West’s Jarrod Owen offers advice on making that dream getaway a reality

How often do you scroll through Facebook or Instagram only to be bombarded by other people’s holiday happy snaps? Palm trees, infinity pools and beautiful beaches fill our social media feeds.

Sure, we often click “like” without thinking too much about it but take a moment to consider how those photos actually make you feel.

Do they get you excited about planning your own fun family getaway? Or do they fill you with dread because you can’t afford to take a much-needed holiday?

If it’s the latter, why not make a change today and take action to ensure that family holiday becomes a reality?

When done right, you can plan a holiday that won’t leave you experiencing debt stress the minute your suitcases are unpacked.

Let’s step through some money-saving tricks that should have you relaxed and sunning yourself with a cocktail in hand when the time is right.

family holidayfamily holiday

Getting in early means you can take advantage of cheaper flights and special deals. Many resorts will offer “kids stay and eat free” packages. Be open-minded about the destination to take advantage of the best deals on the market. You can make savings of up to 40 per cent depending on the time of year you choose to travel. Google Flights price tracking service and Sky Scanner’s Best Time to Book tool are worth checking out.


Once you have decided where you want to go it is time to calculate how much it is going to cost, adding a little extra to be on the safe side. The timing of your holiday is best planned around not just the weather or deal you can get, but also how long it will take you to save for the full amount of the trip. Let’s say you decide upon the Gold Coast at a total cost of $6000, including flights, accommodation and spending money. That means you would need to save a minimum of $115 per week for 52 weeks to get there. That’s just over $16 a day.

family holiday

The introduction of convenient technology such as Apple Pay and Tap and Go creates an almost cashless society but, where you can, aim to stash your coins and $5 notes in a jar. This can be an effective way to save toward a holiday – providing you resist the temptation to raid the stash for school canteen money!


Shopping around can definitely save money. One of our clients was shocked at how much they could save by doing their main weekly grocery shop at Aldi, as opposed to Woolworths. They found it was possible to save approximately $576 a month – almost $7000 a year (there’s your holiday!) – a small price to pay for compromising on a few of their favourite brands.


Print out a photo of your dream destination and stick it up somewhere prominent, such as the fridge. It will be a constant reminder of why you are cutting back on little luxuries (like the gourmet ingredients that used to live in your fridge) and trading them for a much-needed family holiday.


E-commerce emails are a constant source of temptation, enticing you to spend rather than save. We’ve all had those emails with subject lines such as “You’ll regret not opening this” or “Hey, it’s your lucky day”. Instead of clicking through, scroll to the bottom and unsubscribe.

family holiday

Go Marie Kondo on your home and sell the goods that no longer spark joy. Hold a garage sale or list your unwanted items on eBay, Gumtree or a Facebook page dedicated to selling goods in the area you live. Selling at your local second-hand market is another option.


Café bought coffees, bottled water and bought lunches are just some of the little luxuries that really add up. Then there are subscriptions to things such as Netflix, Stan, Foxtel, iTunes, Spotify and other Apps – some of which you may barely be using. Find more ideas here


We’ve touched on the simpler things you can do to save for a family holiday. But there are bigger picture expenses you can address that really do require expert advice to ensure it’s being done in the best possible way. Getting your cash flow right is critical and at Fennell West we love working with our clients to get them achieving their financial goals. If you would like to know more, then we’d love to talk to you. Request an appointment or give us a call on 03 5557 3355.

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