core services


Family and Asset Protection

Achieve Your Financial Freedom

Your biggest asset is your ability to earn an income. If you lose that, then everything else changes.

Are you covered to temporarily or permanently protect your loved ones if you were suddenly not around or became incapacitated?

How long could you and your family survive without your employment income?

Self-employed people in particular need to insure themselves well because among other things they generally don’t have access to WorkCover.

On the flip side, people who work for a wage have access to WorkCover, but what if the illness or injury is not work related? Sick leave only covers short-term issues.

There are horror stories of families who weren’t prepared for the unexpected and paid a heavy financial price.

The key to good insurance is setting an amount of cover that doesn’t burden cash flow, but that would ensure you and your family’s financial security in the event you weren’t able to work.

You might have life and income protection built into your superannuation fund and don’t know it.

Using your super fund is a good way to get protected without the cash flow burden.

Family and asset protection is a complex area that requires attention and planning as part of your overall financial strategy. Don’t leave it too late.



Our Core Services

Financial Expertise, Tailored to Your Needs

Wealth Creation and Growth

We work with lots of clients who know they want to take steps towards wealth creation but don’t know where to start.

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It is imperative that people planning their retirement do some work to establish their cost of living and what other goals they have for retirement.

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Family and Asset Protection

Family and asset protection is a complex area that requires attention and planning as part of your overall financial strategy.

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Fennell West can guide you with your superannuation investments, ensuring adequate retirement planning.

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GPS Program

The GPS Program is driven by a passion for helping clients do something today that will get them where they want to be tomorrow.

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When we talk about debt, we predominately talk about setting up efficient ways to manage your mortgage. We help people weigh up the best way to borrow.

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Estate Planning

There’s more to estate planning than wills and superannuation beneficiaries. It’s about your financial legacy and what you want to achieve.

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Aged Care

Did you know that with the recent reforms to aged care, you may be up for $350,000 to enter an aged care facility, if and when the time comes?

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