core services
Wealth Creation & Growth
Achieve Your Financial Freedom
Transitioning from a single source of income to actively seeking wealth with multiple sources of income can be a daunting time.
We work with lots of clients who know that they want to take steps towards wealth creation but don’t know where to start.
It begins with a relationship, communication and thorough personalised planning. We ensure our clients understand the strategies we use to create wealth opportunities.
Turning bad debt, such as a home loan that is not tax deductible,
into good debt such as an investment property, which is tax deductible,
is one example.
When we talk about clients who are successful, financially, they generally have their employment income and at least one other source of income.
Whether that’s equity in another business, an investment property, a share portfolio or something else depends entirely on the individual’s circumstances.
More often than not, someone with active wealth aspirations has a goal to acquire assets that at some point in time will allow them to fund an income that improves their lifestyle.
It might be they want to reduce or cease their employment, for a spouse to drop their job or even early retirement.
At Fennell West it starts with getting cash flow right and then running at a profit.
At that point when you have reliable data around your financial position, you might decide to pay the mortgage down more or do something else with that money such as commencing your wealth creation.
Our Core Services
Financial Expertise, Tailored to Your Needs
Wealth Creation and Growth
We work with lots of clients who know they want to take steps towards wealth creation but don’t know where to start.
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It is imperative that people planning their retirement do some work to establish their cost of living and what other goals they have for retirement.
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Family and Asset Protection
Family and asset protection is a complex area that requires attention and planning as part of your overall financial strategy.
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Fennell West can guide you with your superannuation investments, ensuring adequate retirement planning.
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GPS Program
The GPS Program is driven by a passion for helping clients do something today that will get them where they want to be tomorrow.
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When we talk about debt, we predominately talk about setting up efficient ways to manage your mortgage. We help people weigh up the best way to borrow.
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Estate Planning
There’s more to estate planning than wills and superannuation beneficiaries. It’s about your financial legacy and what you want to achieve.
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Aged Care
Did you know that with the recent reforms to aged care, you may be up for $350,000 to enter an aged care facility, if and when the time comes?
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